
Casual Classes

All ONLINE classes are $10

All classes that are facilitated in person out in the Community are between $15-$20**

**Keep an eye out on my calendar or on my socials, for notice of where My Yoga My Way will pop up near you.

I look forward to you joining me on the mat, whether that’s online or in person!

10 Online class Pass - $90

It all begins with 1 class. Maybe you’re not sure about when your schedule will allow you to join a class, but you’re definitely interested in making time to weave Yoga into the fabric that is your busy life.

With a 10 Class Pass you can decide when you’d like to do your classes so that you can fit your practice in with your life. Bookings still essential!

Use your pass for a variety of Live Zoom Classes times that suit you..

I look forward to seeing you on the mat!

10 In-Person class Pass - $120

Save 20% when you purchase a Bulk Class Pass for any In-Person Classes**.

That’s 10 Classes for the price of 8!

Wouldn’t you rather save that money to spend on your Latte or Green Tea post Yoga session, with a friend or loved one? I know I would!

With no expiry date in sight, you can cultivate your healthy habit in your own time, however inviting a regular weekly class into your schedule is all you need to start building a great foundation of self-care just for you!

With a 10 Class Pass you can decide when you’d like to do your classes so that you can fit your practice in with your life. Bookings still essential!

**This Class Pass can be used for any In Person Classes that are not in ‘Partnership’ with another Business or Community Group.

I look forward to seeing you on the mat!